Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

President Obama Announces Fourth "Dinner with Barack" Fundraising Sweepstakes

"Dinner with Barack IV" includes a new selection process for winners, designed to get repeat, small donations...
President Obama
is once again raffling himself off as a dinner date to raise funds for his 2012 re-election warchest. In an e-mail sent today, the President announced the fourth "Dinner with Barack" contest, and asked for a minimum $3 donation. It's the first dinner contest for 2012, and follows three other dinner sweepstakes held during 2011. The Campaign has upped the excitement level by changing the way winners are selected; the very first winner--of four total winners--will be chosen tomorrow, Feb. 22. (Above: The President at a January lunch with one of the winners of a previous dinner contest)

"Tomorrow night, we'll pick the first of four supporters who will sit down with me for dinner," President Obama wrote. "Donate $3 or whatever you can today to be automatically entered for the chance to be my first dinner guest."

The e-mail had the subject line "This seat is yours." The new selection process is designed to inspire repeat donations by getting those who did not win a seat at the Presidential dinner table the first time to drop more cash. Other versions of the President's e-mail asked for donations of just $1 or $2; OFA is trying to get as many small donations as possible. The other three winners will be selected on successive dates: March 3, March 18, and March 31.

"These meals are one simple thing that sets this campaign apart," President Obama wrote. "These seats are yours."

The dinner prize package--taxable to the winners--has an assigned retail value of $1,150, which includes round-trip airfare and a one-night hotel stay. The dinner is valued at $200; the airfare is valued at $800 and the hotel stay is valued at $150. The winners of the second "Dinner with Barack" contest were lodged at the Capital Hilton, located about three blocks from the White House. Winners are not allowed on to White House grounds, as this violates federal election rules.

Winners are also required to undergo background checks, and to sign legally binding documents that allow the unpaid use of their names, images, likenesses, etc. by Obama for America "for promotional purposes without further permission or compensation," because OFA releases photos and videos of the dinners. Read "French fries With The Leader Of The Free World," a behind-the-scenes look at the most recent "Dinner with Barack" event.

The President has already dined with the eight winners of two of the previous "Dinner with Barack" contests, but has not yet dined with the eight winners of the "Dinner with Barack and Michelle" contest, which includes the participation of First Lady Michelle Obama. The President ate dinner with the four winners of the first "Dinner with Barack" contest in October of 2011, at The Liberty Tavern in Arlington, VA. The second dinner contest was fulfilled with a luncheon; the President took his four winners to DC's Scion restaurant on January 6, 2012.

"Small" donations and this Thursday's fundraising blitz...
Obama for America claims it is "small donations" that have helped raise millions of dollars for the campaign effort; $29.1 million was raised in January. In a tweet posted on Friday, Jan. 17, the Campaign highlighted the percentage of small donors, stating that "Of January donations to #Obama2012, 98% were $250 or less. Thanks to everyone who pitched in."

But the President, Mrs. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden also fanned out across the US in January--and in February--for high dollar fundraising luncheons, dinners, and receptions. Mrs. Obama is at a fundraising luncheon in DC today, and the President heads to Florida for a fundraising blitz on Thursday, after an eight-event West Coast swing last week. The President's schedule in Florida includes an event at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami with contributions ranging from $1,000 to the maximum, $35,800, another hosted by Coral Gables developer Chris Korge, a major "bundler," with donations starting at $15,000 to $35,800. The President then flies to Orlando for dinner at the home of basketball star Vince Carter. On the same day, Mrs. Obama travels to Ohio and Kentucky for fundraisers; Biden will travel to Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Providence, Road Island for fundraisers.

The text of the President's Dinner e-mail:


Tomorrow night, we'll pick the first of four supporters who will sit down with me for dinner.

I'm hoping you'll take me up on the invitation.

Donate $3 or whatever you can today to be automatically entered for the chance to be my first dinner guest.

These meals are one simple thing that sets this campaign apart. The seats at our table don't belong to any Washington lobbyist or powerful interest.

These seats are yours.

Donate $3 or more today and be automatically entered to win:

Hope to see you,


CLICK HERE for the Official Rules for the dinner. Donations are not necessary to win; there's an alternative "free entry" method.

*Photo at top by Obama for America

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