Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

The First Lady & Let's Move! As Advertising Tool: "Michelle Obama's White House Diet Plan"

The White House has a standing policy of not allowing President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to be used in advertising campaigns by private sector companies, though there have been many attempts to do so.  The latest for Mrs. Obama: A post on the Celebrity Diet & Weight Loss Blog features "Michelle Obama's White House Diet Plan." The site is run by weightloss book author Stephen Gullo, and of course the plan is similar to diets included in Gullo's book "The THIN Commandments Diet," sold on the site. (Above: A sample menu from the plan, featured in the post)

Mrs. Obama's dramatic financial boost for the fashion industry has been well documented, and she's also been credited with an uptick in the sales of garden seeds and equipment, thanks to the Kitchen Garden, so it was only a matter of time before America's multi-billion dollar diet industry adopted the Let's Move! campaign. (Above: A screenshot of the post page, featuring a photo of the First Lady)

The post notes that Mrs. Obama has "gone to war" on the "childhood obesity epidemic" with Let's Move!, and then parses things the First Lady has been recorded to have consumed in the past.

"Despite a few hitches, Michelle Obama does appear to practice what she preaches," notes the post.

"On a typical morning, she [Mrs. Obama] might eat some scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and grapefruit. Turkey sausage is a great swap for the real deal. For a snack, she might eat a fruit and oatmeal bar. At a luncheon with the First Lady of Mexico, Michelle Obama ate a pulled chicken salad with cranberries, paired with mushrooms and potato gnocchi."

The site also notes Mrs. Obama's workout routine, which lately the First Lady has spent much time discussing--and performing on national TV.

"Despite her busy schedule, Obama makes time to work out by waking up at 4:30 a.m. She hits the treadmill, does some weight lifting, jumps rope, and does a little kickboxing now and then. Mrs. Obama has also been known to use the stair-climber and the stationary bike."

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