Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Staff Fueled By Cookies At Obama Campaign HQ

The sweet chaser for pizza and vats of coffee...
If you're wondering what superfood is powering President Obama's re-election campaign, apparently it's chocolate chip cookies. This photo was posted by a campaign staffer to BarackObama's instagram account. It got 195 comments, which included observations about everything from the look of the cookies to SOPA and internet freedom.

"Chocolate chip cookies and a serving of fruit: helping to sustain the #Obama2012 HQ staff today," was the message with the photo.

"Obama posting cookie pictures is a joke... Use our resources for something meaningful, not your shameless self promotion," wrote intagram user aarondomino.

Under tight deadlines, OFA staffers usually gorge on lousy food and drink loads of coffee, according to Rufus Gifford, the National Finance Director for Obama for America, who shared details of staffers' dietary habits in an e-mail to potential donors.

"We've all had more pizza and bad takeout in the past few weeks than anyone should have in a year," Gifford wrote. "The staff and I are working around the clock, powered by too much coffee."

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